How to Use The Google Ads Search Query Report

Dive Into The World of Google Ads Search Query Reports

Are you tired of burning through your advertising budget with little to show for it? Are you wondering why your PPC campaigns aren’t generating the results you hoped for? Well, my friend, it’s time to discuss Google Ads search query reports.

These reports might not be the most glamorous part of your PPC strategy, but they are crucial in helping you understand how people find your ads and what keywords they use to search for your products or services. With this information at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions about optimizing your campaigns, improving your ad relevance, and boosting your ROI.

So, settle in as we dive into the world of Google Ads search query reports (SQR). Trust me, this is one rabbit hole you won’t regret falling into.

What are Google Ads Search Query Reports?

Let’s start with the basics: What are Google Ads search query reports?

In a nutshell, these reports provide a detailed breakdown of the search terms that people have used to trigger your ads. Think of them as a window into the mind of your target audience.

But wait, there’s more! SQR's also give you insight into which queries generate the most clicks, conversions, and revenue. Armed with this information, you can make data-driven decisions about which keywords to bid on, which to add as negative keywords, and how to adjust your ad copy and landing pages to better align with user intent.

Now, not all search queries are created equal. There are three main types of queries that you’ll encounter:

  • Exact match: These queries match the keywords you’ve bid on. For example, if you’re bidding on the keyword “red shoes,” an exact match query might be “red shoes size 9.”

  • Phrase match: These are queries that contain your keywords in the same order you’ve specified, but may have additional words before or after. For example, if you’re bidding on the phrase match keyword “red shoes,” a phrase match query might be “buy red shoes online.”

  • Broad match: These queries contain variations of your keywords, synonyms, or related terms. For example, if you’re bidding on the broad match keyword “red shoes,” a broad match query might be “red sneakers” or “red high heels.”

Each type of query can impact your campaigns differently, so it’s important to monitor them closely and make adjustments as needed. For example, if you notice that certain broad match queries are generating a lot of clicks but not many conversions, you might consider adding them as negative keywords to avoid wasting your budget on irrelevant traffic.

So, there you have it! Now that you know what Google Ads SQRs are and the different types of queries you’ll encounter, it’s time to start digging into your own data and uncovering insights that will take your campaigns to the next level.

Why Use Google Ads Search Query Reports?

Ah, the age-old question: Why bother with Google Ads search query reports when you could be binge-watching your favorite Netflix show instead? Well, my friend, the benefits of using SQRs to optimize your campaigns are many, which are not to be underestimated.

First and foremost, these reports can help you identify new keyword opportunities that you might not have thought otherwise. By analyzing the search terms triggering your ads, you can uncover long-tail keywords and niche phrases with a high conversion rate and low competition. In other words, you can find the hidden gems your competitors might overlook.

SQRs can also help you improve the relevance of your ads, which is critical for maximizing your Quality Score and lowering your cost per click. When your ads are highly relevant to the user’s search query, you’re more likely to get clicks and conversions, boosting your ad rank and lowering your CPC. It’s a beautiful cycle.

And here’s where SQRs really shine: They allow you to see which queries are triggering your ads and which aren’t. If you notice that certain queries are consistently triggering your ads but not generating clicks or conversions, it might be a sign that your ad copy or landing page needs to be optimized to better align with user intent. By making these adjustments, you can improve the relevance of your ads and increase your conversion rate.

In short, using this report can help you save money, increase conversions, and improve the overall effectiveness of your PPC campaigns. So, don’t underestimate the power of this underappreciated tool. Your wallet (and your boss) will thank you.

SpeedPPC can help you find new keywords and improve your targeting, take a look here.

How to Use Google Ads Search Query Reports

Are you ready to dive into the nitty-gritty of using Google Ads SQRs to optimize your campaigns?

Great! Let’s get started with a step-by-step guide:

  • Log in to your Google Ads account and select the campaign you want to analyze.

  • Click on the “Keywords” tab and select “Search terms” from the dropdown menu.

  • You’ll now see a list of all the search terms that have triggered your ads. Use filters and sorting options to narrow the data and focus on the most relevant insights.

  • Analyze the data to identify high-performing and low-performing queries. Look for patterns and trends that can help you make informed decisions about adjusting your campaigns.

  • Use the insights gained to optimize your campaigns. This might involve adding new keywords, excluding irrelevant queries as negative keywords, adjusting your ad copy and landing pages, or tweaking your bidding strategy.

Now, let’s talk about analyzing and interpreting the data. Here are some key metrics to look out for:

  • Click-through rate (CTR): This measures the percentage of clicks your ads received from the total number of impressions. A high CTR indicates that your ads are relevant and engaging to users.

  • Conversion rate: This measures the percentage of clicks that resulted in a conversion (such as a purchase or a form submission). A high conversion rate indicates that your ads and landing pages effectively persuade users to take action.

  • Cost per click (CPC): This measures the average amount you pay each time someone clicks on your ad. A low CPC is desirable, as it means you get more clicks for less money.

  • Cost per conversion: This measures the average cost of acquiring a conversion. A low cost per conversion is desirable, as it means you’re getting more conversions for less money.

Finally, let’s discuss some best practices for optimizing your campaigns based on the insights gained from your reports. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Add high-performing search terms as keywords: If you notice that certain search terms generate a lot of clicks and conversions, consider adding them as keywords to your campaign.

  • Exclude low-performing search terms as negative keywords: If you notice that certain search terms consistently trigger your ads but not generate clicks or conversions, add them as negative keywords to avoid wasting your budget on irrelevant traffic.

  • Optimize your ad copy and landing pages: Use the insights gained from your SQR to improve the relevance of your ads and landing pages. Ensure your ad copy and landing page copy align with the user’s search query and address their needs and pain points.

By following these best practices and using your SQR to inform your decision-making, you can take your PPC campaigns to the next level and achieve better results.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While search query reports can be incredibly useful for optimizing your PPC campaigns, there are some common mistakes that advertisers often make. Here are a few of the most common pitfalls to watch out for:

  • Not reviewing regularly: It’s important to review your search query reports regularly in order to stay on top of your campaign performance and identify areas for improvement. If you’re not checking in on your reports frequently enough, you could miss valuable insights.

  • Focusing too much on low-performing queries: While it’s important to identify and exclude irrelevant search terms as negative keywords, don’t get too caught up in weeding out every single low-performing query. Sometimes, a query that doesn’t perform well on its own can still be valuable in a broader campaign strategy.

  • Overreacting to small data sets: When analyzing, it’s important to consider the data set's size. If you make drastic changes based on a small amount of data, you could jump to conclusions and miss out on more nuanced insights.

So, how can you avoid these mistakes and optimize your campaigns more effectively? Here are a few tips:

  • Set a regular schedule for reviewing,: This will help ensure that you stay on top of your campaign performance and make informed decisions based on the most up-to-date data.

  • Use a variety of metrics to gauge performance: Don’t rely solely on click-through or conversion rates to determine a search term's success. Use a combination of metrics to get a more complete picture of a query's performance.

  • Consider the broader context of your campaigns: Don’t make changes based solely on individual search terms. Consider the overall goals of your campaign and how each search term fits into that strategy.

By avoiding these common mistakes strategically and informedly, you can optimize your campaigns more effectively and achieve better results.

Give It A Go! 

Here’s a quick recap of what we’ve covered:

  • SQR's are a powerful tool that can help you identify valuable insights about how users are interacting with your ads and which search terms are driving the most conversions.

  • There are different types of search queries, and understanding their differences can help you better tailor your campaigns to meet user needs.

  • Using SQR's to optimize your campaigns can improve ad relevance, better targeting, and higher ROI.

  • To use SQR's effectively, you’ll need to know how to access and analyze the data and apply the insights gained to make informed decisions about your campaign strategy.

  • Finally, we discussed some common mistakes to avoid, such as not reviewing your reports regularly, focusing too much on low-performing queries, and overreacting to small data sets.

So, what are you waiting for? Start digging into your Google Ads search query reports today and see how you can optimize your campaigns for even better results! With a little practice and some strategic thinking, you’ll be well on your way to driving more clicks, conversions, and revenue through your PPC campaigns. Happy optimizing!

The TALL Framework

Follow this strategy to make your campaigns succeed instead of suck.

Find improvements in your targeting through better keyword selection.

Write more targeted ads that get higher CTR & Ad Rank. Giving you more volume!

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