How to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score

Unlock the power of keywords and ad relevance and learn how to improve Google Quality Score

Are you tired of feeling like your Google Ads budget is being flushed down the drain? Do you find yourself constantly tweaking your campaigns only to see lackluster results? If so, it’s time to examine your Quality Score closely.

In case you’re not familiar, your Google Ads Quality Score is a rating system that Google uses to evaluate the relevance and usefulness of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. The better your Quality Score, the higher your ad ranking and the lower your cost-per-click (CPC).

So, why does Quality Score matter? Well, in short, it can make or break the success of your Google Ads campaigns. A high Quality Score means you deliver relevant and valuable content to your audience, which leads to more clicks, conversions, and, ultimately, revenue.

But how exactly can you improve your Quality Score and get more bang for your buck?

Fear not, my friend - in this post, we’ll share our top techniques for boosting your Quality Score and taking your Google Ads game to the next level. We’ll cover everything from optimizing your ad relevance and landing page experience to increasing your click-through rate and using negative keywords.

So, buckle up and get ready to become a Google Ads Quality Score pro!

If you want to improve your keyword targeting, SpeedPPC Community has some great tools for you.

Technique 1: Optimize your ad relevance

Let’s dive into our first technique for improving your Google Ads Quality Score: optimizing your ad relevance.

Ad relevance is all about making sure your ads are closely aligned with what your potential customers are searching for. When your ads are relevant, people are more likely to click on them, which boosts your click-through rate and Quality Score.

So, how can you improve your ad relevance? One of the most important steps is incorporating relevant keywords into your ads and creating targeted ad groups. This means researching, figuring out what your audience is searching for, and then using those keywords in your ad copy and targeting.

For example, if you sell vegan protein powder, you might create ad groups that target keywords like “vegan protein powder” and “plant-based protein”. Then, you can create ad copy highlighting your product's benefits for people looking for those specific keywords.

In addition to keyword targeting, it’s also important to ensure your ad copy is relevant and compelling. Use language that speaks directly to your target audience and emphasizes the unique selling points of your product or service.

By optimizing your ad relevance, you’ll not only improve your Quality Score, but you’ll also see higher click-through rates and better performance from your Google Ads campaigns. Stay tuned for our next technique, where we’ll discuss how to create a better landing page experience for your potential customers.

Check out our SpeedPPC ad tools over in our Community pages here!

Technique 2: Improve your landing page experience

Welcome to our second technique for improving your Google Ads Quality Score: improving your landing page experience.

Your landing page experience refers to the quality of the page someone lands on after clicking your ad. It’s a crucial factor in determining the success of your Google Ads campaigns. If your landing page is irrelevant, hard to navigate, or slow to load, you can expect lower Quality Score and less success with your campaigns.

So, how can you create a better landing page experience? Here are a few tips:

  • Make sure your landing page loads quickly: Speed is everything when it comes to your landing page. If your page takes too long to load, potential customers will quickly lose interest and move on to another website.

  • Keep your landing page focused: Your landing page should be laser-focused on the message in your ad. Don’t distract potential customers with unrelated information or design elements. Keep your page clean and simple.

  • Make sure your landing page is mobile-friendly: More and more people are browsing the web on their smartphones, so it’s important that your landing page is optimized for mobile devices.

  • Keep your landing page relevant: Your landing page should deliver on your ad's promise. Ensure the message and offer on your landing page align with what you’re advertising.

By focusing on these tips, you can create a landing page experience that will not only improve your Quality Score, but also increase the likelihood of a conversion.

Have a look at our clever SpeedPPC Landing Page optimization tools.

Next up, we’ll dive into our third technique for improving your Google Ads Quality Score: optimizing your ad format.

Technique 3: Increase your click-through rate (CTR)

Alright, let’s dive into our third technique for improving your Google Ads quality score: increasing your click-through rate (CTR).

Your CTR is the percentage of people who click on your ad after seeing it. A high CTR indicates that your ad is relevant and compelling to your target audience. Google takes your CTR into account when calculating your Quality Score, so it’s essential to focus on improving it.

Here are a few tips to increase your CTR:

  • Write compelling ad copy: Your ad copy should be persuasive and informative. It should grab the attention of your target audience and clearly communicate the value of your product or service.

  • Use ad extensions: Ad extensions are additional pieces of information that can be added to your ad, such as your business location, phone number, or links to specific pages on your website. They give potential customers more reasons to click on your ad and can help increase your CTR.

  • Test different ad formats: Google Ads offers several different ad formats, such as text ads, display ads, and video ads. Test different formats to see which ones work best for your business and target audience.

By focusing on these tips, you can improve your CTR and, in turn, your Quality Score. Remember, the goal is not just to get more clicks, but to get more clicks from people who are likely to convert into customers.

Technique 4: Use negative keywords

Alright, let’s move on to the fourth technique for improving your Google Ads Quality Score: using negative keywords.


Negative keywords are terms or phrases you don’t want your ads to appear for. By adding negative keywords to your campaigns, you can prevent your ads from showing to irrelevant audiences and improve the relevance of your ads to your target audience.


Here are a few tips for identifying and adding negative keywords to your campaigns:

  • Analyze your search terms report: The report shows you the actual search terms people use to trigger your ads. Review this report regularly and identify any irrelevant terms you want to exclude from your campaigns.

  • Use keyword research tools: Keyword research tools like Google’s Keyword Planner can help you identify negative keywords commonly associated with your target keywords. For example, if you’re advertising a high-end product, you may want to exclude searches for “cheap” or “discount.”

  • Consider your audience’s intent: Consider your target audience's intent and exclude keywords that are irrelevant to their needs. For example, if you’re advertising a coffee shop, you may want to exclude searches for “coffee makers” or “coffee beans.”

By adding negative keywords to your campaigns, you can improve the relevance of your ads and increase the likelihood that they will be clicked by your target audience. This can lead to a higher Quality Score and more success with your Google Ads campaigns technique. 

Technique 5: Monitor and refine your campaigns

We’ve made it to the final technique for improving your Google Ads Quality Score: monitoring and refining your campaigns.

It’s important to remember that Google Ads is not a “set it and forget it” platform. Ongoing monitoring and refinement is crucial to maintaining and improving your Quality Score over time.

Here’s why:

First, Google’s algorithms are constantly changing, and what worked for your campaigns yesterday may not work as well today. By monitoring your campaigns regularly, you can identify performance changes and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Second, your competition is also constantly changing. New competitors may enter the market, or existing competitors may adjust their strategy. By monitoring your campaigns and keeping an eye on your competition, you can stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge.

So, how can you monitor and refine your campaigns for improved Quality Score? Here are a few tips:

  • Analyze your data: Regularly review your campaign data to identify improvement areas. Look for patterns in your performance, such as low click-through rates or high bounce rates, and make adjustments as needed.

  • A/B test your ads: Testing different ad copy, landing pages, and targeting can help you identify what works best for your audience. By running A/B tests, you can make data-driven decisions about optimizing your campaigns for improved performance.

  • Stay current with industry trends: Keep an eye on industry news and best practices, and adjust your strategy accordingly. For example, if Google releases a new ad format or targeting option, test it out and see how it performs for your campaigns.

By monitoring and refining your campaigns on an ongoing basis, you can improve your Quality Score, stay ahead of the competition, and get the most bang for your buck with Google Ads.

Happy Optimizing!

Phew, we’ve covered a lot of ground today! Let’s quickly recap the main techniques we discussed to help improve your Google Ads Quality Score:

Optimize your ad relevance by incorporating relevant keywords and creating targeted ad groups.

Improve your landing page experience by ensuring your page loads quickly and aligning it with your ad messaging.

Increase your click-through rate by creating compelling ad copy and using ad extensions.

Use negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic and improve ad targeting.

Monitor and refine your campaigns by regularly analyzing your data and adjusting as needed.

By focusing on these techniques, you can greatly improve your Quality Score and get more bang for your buck with your Google Ads campaigns.

Remember, a higher Quality Score leads to better ad performance and lower costs and shows that your ads provide value to the user. So, it’s a win-win situation!

Now, it’s time to roll up your sleeves, dive into your Google Ads account, and implement these techniques. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things, as every campaign is different and may require a unique approach.

Thanks for reading, and happy optimizing!

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